The influence of continuous curvilinear capsularhexis and intraocular lens factors on posterior capsule opacification; 目的分析前囊连续环形撕囊及人工晶状体因素对后囊浑浊的影响。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of Daurorubicin ( DNR) preventing the posterior capsule opacification ( PCO). 目的观察柔红霉素预防后囊膜混浊的临床效果。
The Comparative Study of Clinical Data and Pathology of Posterior Capsule Opacification between Er: YAG Laser Emulsification and Phacoemulsification for Cataract Surgery; The methods of opera-tion and pathogenesis were discussed. 铒激光与超声乳化白内障吸除术的临床与后囊膜混浊病理基础的对比研究文中对手术方法及后囊混浊的发生机理进行了讨论,认为后囊混浊与手术方法有密切关系。
Preparation of Nano-fluorouracil-coated Intraocular Lens and Empirical Study on Its Inhibiting Posterior Capsule Opacification 纳米氟尿嘧啶涂层人工晶状体的制备及抑制后囊膜混浊的实验研究
Effect of Connective Tissue Growth Factor on Posterior Capsule Opacification 结缔组织生长因子在后囊膜混浊中的作用研究
Surgery for posterior capsule opacity after intraocular lens implantation Vitrectomy combined with phacofragmentation for the treatment of intravitreal dislocation of the total crystalline lens 人工晶状体植入术后后囊浑浊的手术治疗
[ Conclusion] Posterior capsule opacification can be prevented by removing of lens epithelial cells with trypsin. 【结论】应用胰蛋白酶清除晶状体上皮细胞可以显著预防后囊混浊的发生。
The major complications were posterior capsule rupture, iris injury, corneal edema. 主要并发症有后囊破裂,虹膜损伤,角膜水肿等。
The effect of location and type of posterior capsule opacification on visual function 不同类型和部位后发性白内障对视功能的影响
The major complications were corneal edema, rupture of posterior capsule and opacity of posterior capsule. 术中和术后主要并发症为角膜水肿、囊膜破裂和后囊膜混浊。
RESULTS: Complications including cornea injury, iris injury, posterior capsule rupture, iris prolapse and hyphema, were mainly caused by inexpert skill and lacking of experience. 术中并发症主要是角膜损伤、后囊膜破裂、虹膜损伤、虹膜脱出、前房出血,主要原因是技术不熟练和操作经验不足。
After the operation common complications are corneal endothelial edema, and iris entrapment iritis and also posterior capsule muddy, cystoid macular edema and so on. 术后常见并发症为角膜内皮水肿,其次为虹膜嵌顿、虹膜炎还有后囊膜混浊、黄斑囊样水肿等。
Conclusions Secondary suspensory intraocular lens implantation solves the problems of intraocular lens implantation without the posterior capsule support, and can obtain satisfactory effect. 结论二期悬吊式人工晶状体植入术,解决了无后囊支撑的后房型人工晶状体植入,可获良好疗效。
No nuclear expulsion difficulties, posterior capsule rupture, vitreous prolapse, intraocular lens implantation failure or complications such as iris damage occurred. 无娩核困难、后囊膜破裂、玻璃体脱出、人工晶状体植入失败和虹膜损伤等并发症。
EDTA inhibits the pathogenesis of posterior capsule opacification: experimental study on the rabbit 依地酸二钠预防兔后发性白内障的实验研究
Effect of mitomycin C on posterior capsule opacification in rabbit eyes; 目的探讨后囊膜皱褶对视力的影响及防治。
Objective To study the inhibitory effect of arsenic trioxide ( As2O3) applied by hydrodissection method on posterior capsule opacification of rabbit lens and evaluate its intraocular toxicity. 目的从研究抑制后发性白内障的有效药物入手,探讨术中水分离时应用三氧化二砷对兔术后晶体上皮细胞增殖的影响及其对兔眼的毒性作用。
The Progression of Mechanism, Prevention and Cure in Posterior Capsule Opacification 后发性白内障发病机制和防治的研究进展
METHODS Children performed cataract extraction were divided into integrated posterior capsule group and posterior capsulotomy group. 方法接受白内障摘出术的儿童被分为囊膜切开组和囊膜完整组。
Objective To explore the reasons which cause posterior capsule rupture in can-opener capsulotomy and continuous circular capsulorhexis. 目的比较开罐式截囊与连续环形撕囊术中后囊破裂的原因和发生率。
The main causes of postoperative low vision were fundus lesions and posterior capsule opacity. 术后影响视力的主要原因是眼底病变和后囊膜混浊。
Conclusion Posterior chamber IOL can be implanted with ruptured posterior capsule. 结论白内障术中后囊破损者只要有足够的残余后囊及(或)前囊可以植入后房型人工晶状体。
Posterior capsule rupture occurred in 1 eye. 术中发生后囊破裂1眼;
Conclusions Posterior IOL sulcus fixation is an effective methods for posterior capsule rupture or absent patients. 结论后房型人工晶状体睫状沟缝线固定术是后囊破裂或无后囊者进行后房型人工晶状体植入的方法之一。
The major complications were rupture of posterior capsule and injury of iris. 术中主要并发症为后囊膜破裂、虹膜损伤;
Objective: To evaluate the treatment method and efficacy of posterior capsule rupture during phacoemulsification with transparent corneal incision. 目的:探讨透明角膜切口白内障超声乳化吸除术中后囊破裂的处理方法及疗效。
Objective To explore the time skill of treating traumatic cataract with broken posterior capsule. 目的探讨后囊破裂的外伤性白内障的手术时机和技巧。
ObjectiveEstablish the model of posterior capsule opacification ( PCO) in rats. 研究目的建立大鼠后囊膜混浊(PCO)模型;